About Our Dominance Profile Assessments | Wired for Learning

About Dr Carla Hannaford

Dr Carla Hannaford, PhD, is a biologist, author, and educator with more than forty years of teaching experience. This includes two years teaching high school, over twenty years as a professor of biology, four years as a counsellor for elementary and intermediate school children with learning difficulties, and over twenty years as an international consultant to more than fifty countries, delivering workshops and keynote presentations.


She was selected as a guest educator with the AHP- Soviet Project in 1988, was recognised by Who’s Who in American Education, received awards from the University of Hawaii and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and in 2006 was a distinguished lecturer for the National Association for Elementary School Principals. Her experience is exemplary.

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About Monty Olding

My name is Monty, and I welcome you to Wired for Learning. Qualifying as a teacher in 2000 here in the UK, I was awarded funding to continue studying the impact of specific movements on concentration and time-on-task, as well as further funding to research how our sensory system biases influence cognitive function.


Using my experiences from the classroom, research, private clinic work and additional training in various educational fields, I began delivering inset training sessions in the UK and abroad. Having been familiar with Dr Carla Hannaford’s work for many years, I got excited by the idea of adapting her amazing work on dominance profiles into the everyday classroom and home environments. I was able to fully commit to this project in 2021, having had the privilege of connecting up and collaborating with Carla.


This is how the Wired for Learning programme came to be. Although I wish I could say everything here is all my ideas, they are not. I collect approaches, strategies and techniques that inspire me and demonstrate real-world results. Packed with elegant ideas, innovation, and practical approaches, Wired for Learning fundamentally puts the learner centre stage. The resources also aim to give teachers, parents and anybody responsible for the child’s education the insight and easy-to-apply tools to adapt their instruction so the teaching and learning environments match.

Help them excel in learning

Making learning personal with targeted learner-centred strategies:

  • A parent resource to support home schooling, homework and home study
  • A teacher resource for use in the classroom and as individual support
  • A tutor resource to quickly understand student’s learning strengths
  • A coaching resource to improve instruction and personal development
  • A child support resource to help nurture and foster connections.

Your personalised Wired for Learning Reports

You get two reports, a complete report full of insight and recommendations and a snapshot version for easy reference.

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Discover their dominance profile together, share the information with education providers through personal illustrated reports, and use strategies specifically recommended for your child to see them fly.

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  • The 5 step test is free
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  • Every student gets both reports
  • Organisation logo on each report
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